Using the Logic Builder

When the Logic Builder is opened from a logic window, it remains on the screen until you click the Close button or close the logic window or table from which it was invoked. This allows you to enter multiple statements in a logic window and even move around to other logic windows without having to constantly close and re-open the Logic Builder. The Logic Builder closes automatically when pasting to an expression field.

You can move to another logic window or field while the Logic Builder is still up by right clicking in that field or logic window. The Logic Builder is then reset with only valid statements and elements for that field or window, and will paste the logic you build into that field or window.

How to build a statement or expression:

1. Right click in an expression field or logic window to open the Logic Builder or click on the Build button in a logic window.

2. Select the statement or expression you want to use from the list box. When opened from a logic window, you have the option to click on the Build Expression button to create only an expression.

3. Enter the parameters for the statement or expression. These may be expressions using model elements and/or functions or other statements. Parameters may be edited or entered manually in the Parameter Entry field.

4. Paste the results into the logic field or window by clicking the Paste button.